Sunday, December 13, 2015

Big News

Forrest's big announcement (for those that can't read it, since I didn't get a picture of the back) is that he's going to be a big brother. Entering the next level of craziness for all of us.

Train Show

It's train show season and the boys have been going to see model trains every weekend! So nice that they have a common interest.


Just chilling on my throne while I get chauffeured around town.

Raking and Scrubbing

Putting him to work, as usual!


This year's Halloween costume, inspired by real life (unfortunate) events.


Bringing the music everywhere he goes!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Waiting for Daddy

One of the rare moments when these two aren't in each other's way.

Trolley Time

Forrest's first visit to the trolley museum was with Aunt Mabel. He doesn't look too thrilled here but he talked about trolleys for weeks afterwards!

Turtle Rodeo

Slow and steady. Very much both of those given that it's a cement turtle.

Future Programmer

No time like the present to learn to touch type!

Me and the Guys

Picture time with his buddies, hanging out on a bench. 

Apple Picking

The apples were the least interesting thing on the farm. How can fruit compete with tractors and goats?

Cat Sitting

Forrest had his first cat sitting job and I think he liked it!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

New Cyclist

Forrest got his first bike! A balance bike of course. He took it for a slow ride to the park and back for its maiden voyage. He also did some work on it, you know, whatever you do with a wrench. I hope by the time he's biking to school by himself all the streets of Cambridge will have dedicated bike lanes!

Friday, September 11, 2015


Forrest and I went to see two small strandbeests! These are wind powered creatures that walk along beaches on their own and they happened to make a visit to MIT. Forrest was excited when one walked up to look at us!

New Daycare

Forrest started a new daycare/preschool this week. Here he is on his first day at pickup time - he didn't look anything like this at drop off. He has two lovely teachers and they do all kinds of activities!

Up a Creek...

Forrest became obsessed with boating on this trip to New Hampshire, specifically with a certain kayak paddle. Which meant anytime he was in the boat, we couldn't really go anywhere (until we found another paddle). Lotus was not so enthusiastic about the boating but she preferred that to being left behind on shore.

Hiking Trip

Nothing like hiking with your buddy. Especially when your personal chauffeur does all the work!

Spear Fishing

A rare moment of wading, in freezing river water no less! This was a quick visit to VT from our spot in NH.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Help at Home

Sweeping and wiping the floor. He's learning so much from his dad!


Watering the plants, it's the latest craze! Luckily extra water doesn't hurt them especially in this heat wave.


You can't tell from the photo but Forrest does in fact love riding in his new bakfiets! It's so stable and you can fit anything you want in there. Now we're really going places!

Wake Up!

A rare cheery moment upon waking up from a nap!

Rolling on the River

A lazy afternoon watching the boats float down the Charles!

Popsicle Time

It's not summer unless you're relaxing on the deck with a Popsicle!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Great Grandma

Visiting Great Grandma Gusta! Forrest's favorite thing about the visit was running up and down the long hallways and stairs. Another good thing is people there don't exactly have the sharpest hearing so Forrest's shouting (hopefully) doesn't bother them as much!

New Hampshire

Thanks to grandma Char we had a nice time in New Hampshire. Forrest seemed to enjoy communing with nature, though it takes him a while to get used to any new setting. The rest of us weren't as thrilled about communing with the bugs but we got over that too.

Ukulele Band

If only Lotus could learn to strum, we'd have a whole family band!

Row Row Row Your Boat

On our trip to New Hampshire Forrest became a pro at boating. At first he was very nervous to get in the boat but once we convinced him to try the rowboat (not pictured) he became obsessed with boating. Now every time he sees water he wants to sit in it and pretend to row!

Blueberries for Forrest

Forrest discovers where blueberries come from! They're everywhere you turn, it's like a dream come true! Until he discovered the ride-on airplane they had at the farm, that was the real dream come true. But the rest of us stocked up on fresh blueberries while Forrest played.

Friday, July 24, 2015

2 Years Old!

Forrest is 2! He had his traditional birthday watermelon and ate waaay more of it than he did last year.

He is starting to enter the terrible twos where everything is a negotiation, that is when he can even hear your negotiation tactics over his screaming. But he is talking lots and singing songs and scooting like a pro. Overall we are really enjoying this age!


A trip to Bretton Woods in New Hampshire where Forrest ran up and down hills, explored rivers, and enjoyed the hotel swimming pool. All important nature activities.