Friday, February 21, 2014


It's not easy to get a picture of Forrest's new little teeth because the best chance to see them is when he's crying. Yeye and nainai did a pretty good job with this shot though - quite a feat!

Sunday, February 16, 2014


It's been snowy all winter but we finally got out for Forrest's first sledding adventure. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on but he had a good time.

Pilot Forrest

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's SuperForrest!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Another shot from the 7-month/4-year photo shoot. The kids are not always this civil to each other, but I got them to behave long enough to stage the photo at least. Forrest is very interested in Lotus but mainly shows it by grabbing her fur, so Lotus tends to keep her distance. Sometimes she does get excited when he's rolling around on the floor, but then she tends to get a little too frisky so we usually have to put a stop to it. So they haven't exactly hit their stride yet in terms of sibling bonding, but we'll give it another year or two and see what happens.

7 Months Old!

At 7 months, Forrest is really becoming a "big baby," almost more like a kid except one that can't walk or talk or do much of anything that kids do. He can definitely sit up, though only for about 15 seconds before he's bound to topple. He's got rolling down pat and can maneuver himself in any direction, though not very purposefully. He's also growing teeth! He has one definitely peeking out and another just starting to poke through. He's still 19 pounds, so he seems to be lengthening out but not packing on the pounds as fast. Also this month he had his first real fever but he was a trooper and recovered pretty quick. He has chosen a favorite color - red - though results are inconclusive as to whether all babies' favorite colors are red. Stay tuned next month when he'll probably be walking and applying to college!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Big Smile!

I'm not sure what nainai was doing that made him so happy but she can just keep doing it!

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Train to Harbin

Yeye and Forrest's favorite new game to play is called Train to Harbin! They both seem to love it.

First Dodo Bird

Ok maybe I'm getting carried away with the firsts. Seeing a dodo bird skeleton is not exactly a milestone. But I remember visiting the dodo at the Peabody museum as a kid, so it was fun to show Forrest the one at the Harvard Museum of Natural History.

Hong Bao

Happy Chinese New Year! Forrest got his first hong bao and then promptly had it taken away so he wouldn't eat the money in it. Next time it's the year of the snake we'll have a 12-year-old. What?!

Swimming Part II

Still not a great shot of us but here we are in the water. Forrest got dunked for the first time. Can't say he liked it but he didn't cry either. Stay tuned for next week when daddy might be brave enough to get in too!

Boppy Adoptee

Look who seems to have adopted the boppy pillow. She figures someone should get some use out of it these days!

Boker Tov!

We've learned one Hebrew phrase so far thanks to PJ library and thanks to Tia Abby for signing us up! We read this one every morning, which is pretty much the only time Forrest is willing to engage in such a sedentary activity like reading.

Scrub A Dub Dub

The latest bath picture. He still loves taking baths! Showers too but he's a bit heavy to hold in there so we just do that for him when he's sick.

Snuggle Time

I let Lotus on the couch since it was her birthday and we all thoroughly enjoyed the snuggles.

First Sip

A couple weeks ago, but this was his first time using a sippy cup. I think he likes it! But then, he likes everything he can put in his mouth. Mostly I think nainai likes it because I finally said it was ok for him to drink water which she has been lobbying for.