Azriel Dalman *stole* his Young Percy role from a *real* boy actor w/ blond hair & blue eyes. He's a fraud w/ his brown hair & brown eyes. He's also an 'outie'. In WHAT world would a child version of Percy Jackson have a bellybutton that stuck out??? Such things were *banned* by the year 2263 based on the unanimous vote of The Space Geneva Convention.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm so would i
i would comein the girl
i would suck those babycocks
i would lick is baby ole
X = done; Y = intact; Z: both (done & intact), none (clam), or other (example: outie)
Azriel Dalman *stole* his Young Percy role from a *real* boy actor w/ blond hair & blue eyes. He's a fraud w/ his brown hair & brown eyes. He's also an 'outie'. In WHAT world would a child version of Percy Jackson have a bellybutton that stuck out??? Such things were *banned* by the year 2263 based on the unanimous vote of The Space Geneva Convention.
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